Mirrabook Stadium - Info for users

Mirrabook Stadium - Info for users

Kaya.  Wandjoo. 

We welcome all visitors to Mirrabooka International Softball Stadium.  A reminder about the following issues:

Alcohol - under the Liquor Licensing Act no alcohol can be brought into the venue by patrons.  Penalties may apply.

Bar - a bar is available with staff operating within the WA Liquor Licensing Act.

Batting Cages - we have 2 batting cages available to use.  During peak events these will need to be booked.  

Canteen - at most events the canteen will operate and will offer a generous range of meals and drinks, with a special focus on healthy options. 

Commentary boxes - commentary and music can be provided duing appropriate events from the commentary boxes

Defibrillator - a defibrillator is available at the venue.  It is located on the wall at the main entrance on the lower level of the facility.

Diamonds - there are 4 diamonds - 2 clay based (D1 and D2) and 2 grass diamonds (D3 and D4).

Disabiliy access - wheel chair acess is available most parts of teh facility.

Dogs - are not permitted in the facility at any time unless they are to assist vision impaired patrons.

Duguts - all diamonds are supported by dugouts.  On D1 and D2 they have player's benches, scorer's table and chairs, rubbish bins, recycling bins, power for cold water fountains and fans when required.  D3 and D4 have benches, scorers tables and chairs recylcing bins with rubbish bins nearby.

First Aid - first aid kits and ice is always available at the venue - check with a venue official or at the bar/canteen.

Live Streaming - can be provided at appropriate events.  Look out for promotion of this service closer to each event.

Officials Retreat - A special area is set aside as a "retreat" for our valued and valuable officials.  The retreat is located olong the 3rd bae line of D4 and is housed in a sea container featuring  fridge, microwave, ariconditioning, lighting, tables and chairs, power for laptop etc access.  There is also an alfresco area with outdoor tables and chairs.

Parking - is availbale in City of Stirling car parks attached to Herb Grahm Recreation Centre.  As such, parking times and lmits are at the direction of the City of Stirling.  Check parking times to avoid penalties.

Seating - there is al arge level of seating available through tiered grass bank seating, mobile outdoor wooden bench tables, individual chairs, sloping grass banks and open areas.  At events the venue makes available its collection of camp chairs to borrow.

Scoreboards - there are electronic scorebaords at the home run fence of D1 and D2.

Showers - there are a series of showers available for players and officials.

Smoking - Vaping - is not permitted in the facility.  This can be conducted away from the main entrance.

Spectator safety - a series of protection nets is in place behind D1 and D2 and between D3 and D4 to protect spectators.

Sponosr's signage - there are a series of sponsor signs around the venue.  Please consider the products and servics of our sponsors when purchasing your next product or service.

Toilets - there are a series of male, female and community toilets for the use of players, spectators, people with a disability, officials and general attendees.

Water fountains - Chilled water fountains are located at both dugouts of D1 and D2.

Wi-fi - is not publically available from Softball WA. This is to maximise the support of our own bar/canteen wi-fi operations.



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