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Softball WA History
Softball WA History
Softball WA History Introduction Chapter 1 - Origins Chapter 2 - Governance Chapter 3 - Women's Club Competition Chapter 4 - State Championships Chapter 5 - Men's Softball Chapter 6 - State Softball League Chapter 7 - Veterans Softball Chapter 8 - Nationals 1949-1969 Chapter 9 - Nationals 1970-1983 Chapter 10 - Nationals 1984- Chapter 11 - WA Women Since 1984 Chapter 12 - WA Men Since 1984 Chapter 13 - Umpiring Chapter 14 - Coach Education Chapter 15 - Coaching Potential Reps Chapter 16 - Development Chapter 17 - Scoring Chapter 18 - A Home of Our Own Chapter 19 - Awards Chapter 20 - Life Members Chapter 21 - Appendix 1A Women 49-03 Chapter 22 - Appendix 1B Women 04-08 Chapter 23 - Appendix 1C Women 09-11 Chapter 24 - Appendix 2 WA Placings Chapter 25 - Appendix 3 National Championships Chapter 26 - Appendix 4 Men Chapter 27 - Appendix 5 Name Changes Chapter 28 - Intro Acknowledge and Notes Chapter 29 - Trophy Winners - Women Chapter 30 - Trophy Winners - Men Chapter 31 - Trophy Winners - Juniors Chapter 32 - Trophy Winners - WA at Nationals Chapter 33 - State Team Photos Chapter 34 - Newspaper Cuttings Chapter 35 - List of Clubs All Time
Home Run Heroes
Home Run Heroes is the entry point to softball that gives kids the opportunity to learn fundamental movement and softball-specific skills at their own pace and progress through the participation pathway, building a life-long love of softball.
Within the Home Run Heroes pathway there are two products:
Sidekicks is a program for kids from 4 to 7 years of age to have fun, make friends and learn new skills at their own pace. The program has six fun and inclusive sessions teaching the basic skills of softball, encouraging participants to ‘learn through playing’ in fun interactive games which introduce and develop the foundation skills of softball and fundamental movement skills like running, jumping and changing direction.
Once a Sidekick has mastered the basic skills, it’s time to become a Superhero!
Superheroes is a program for kids to transition to after learning the basic skills of softball and developing fundamental movement skills through the Sidekicks program.
Superheroes is designed for kids from 7 to 10 that blends specific skill development with a modified game of softball to introduce pitching, batting, fielding and elements of competition including scoring.
Each child receives a participant pack delivered directly to their home that includes a glove and ball, with each participant required to bring their own glove to each session.
The session begins with an activity focused on further developing core skills including catching, throwing, fielding and batting, and we introduce the use of a glove for the first time.
Following the skill session, the group is split into teams and modified games of softball are played, with kids able to put in to action the skills they have learned in a social, modified game of softball.
Home Run Heroes can be delivered by Associations, Clubs, primary schools and community groups by a coach who has a valid Working with Children Check and has completed the relevant online Coaching Course on the Softball Australia website.
Home Run Heroes Sidekicks
*The Softball Batter Up Induction Course will be updated in late 2022 to reflect the improved product suite from Softball Batter Up to Home Run Heroes
Home Run Heroes Superheroes
Anyone over the age of 16 can deliver a program once approved and accredited.
Home Run Heroes is designed to be delivered in any recreational space, both outside and inside, without the necessity for a traditional softball diamond. This can include:
- A softball diamond or outfield;
- A park or green space;
- An outdoor sports field including football ovals, hockey fields;
- An indoor basketball court;
- A large indoor recreational space;
- A large batting cage area.
If a program is delivered indoors then it is recommended that suitable equipment and soft balls are used to ensure safety to both participants and the facility.
- Click here to register your program using the online form.
- Ensure that your venue is booked.
- Organise and confirm your coach and support volunteers, and ensure your coach is suitably accredited and has a WWCC.
- Contact your State-based participation staff member to discuss the program in detail and get required support. For WA, contact Aidan Slomp via email at pdo@softballwa.org.au
- Receive your program registration link from your State-based participation staff member and start promoting! Use your website, social media and community networks.
- Manage the program operations and planning including marketing, equipment, registration and setup and program delivery.
For an Association/Club, Sidekicks provides the opportunity to build a sustainable pathway for children into softball.
The program provides a positive experience for kids and parents alike that is intended to then transition children to Superheroes (7-10 years) and then ultimately to a social or traditional competition within your Club.
With a strong feed of children moving through the pathway, your Association/Club will be built sustainably and a strong flow of members will drive membership up, improving the depth and quality of competitions.
All of the Home Run Heroes Resources can be found in the Resources tab, or by clicking this link: